The register has a article today about Senator Grassley and Obama's sudden interest in making all of the fast and furious article secret under executive privilege.
"President Barack Obama’s assertion of executive privilege to resist providing documents requested by Congress concerning a controversial gun-smuggling operation."
Controversial? Criminal is the proper word. There was no arrangements made with the Mexican Government to intercept these guns at the border. When the ATF field agents were told to stand down, the guns were delivered to criminals in Mexico.
Then they state, "The operation went awry".
No it didn't. It went exactly as this criminal administration wanted it to. It was to prove to the American people that US guns were the problem in Mexico. Of course the fact that the US Government is the biggest supplier of military arms to Mexico was left out. Also left out was the fact that thousands of Mexican soldiers are deserting to the cartels and taking their issue M16's with them.
The murders of Brian Terry, Jamie Zapata and a few hundred Mexicans is a small price to pay to advance their gun control agenda.
Here are the links to all of the F&F articles written by David Codrea and Mike V. since all this started.
Fast and Furious guide.
The Main stream media has ignored this from the beginning, except for a little work by CBS's Cheryl Atkinson and a few reports on Fox. Most of the work has been done by 2 bloggers and a handful of ATF agents that were fed up with the way things were going. These agents put their careers and possibly even their lives on the line to expose this criminal act for what it was. Not to mention that the act of smuggling guns into Mexico, a foreign nation, is a act of war. Of course Mexican President Calderon has his nose buried so far up Obama's ass that when he eats, Calderon get the first sniff. All he can do is come to this country and blame the law abiding gun owners for the problems that the illegal drug trade has done to his country.
Now we have Obama's executive privilege popping up after 18 months. The only reason he is doing this is to protect Holder. Every time F&F has ever come up, Obama has denied knowing anything. It is after all "a very big government" according to him. If he hadn't heard of it, why is he all of a sudden hiding the documents? Why was a top NSA operative transferred from the White House to Iraq? A operative that is friends with "Gunwalker Bill" Newell? Out of reach if the investigation. What else is the Obama administration hiding?
It's time for the full house to vote Holder in contempt and pursue criminal charges. If necessary, start impeachment and criminal charges against Obama too.Tying the hands of the oversight committee will not stop the investigation from moving forward. We might find out the trail of dead bodies leads right up to the White House door.