David Codrea brings us a chance to tell our gun stories to the President's new site. Their goal is to solicit stories of gun violence where victims can tell how some criminal used a gun against them. Or they can even add some anti-gun hating rhetoric if they want.
Just in time to bolster terminology shiftingfrom supporting “gun control” to opposing “gun violence,” Barack Obama’s new “Organizing for Action” group has embraced the meme to mask its aggressive post-election citizen disarmament efforts. To help with that, they’ve invited supporters to share stories that will give the administration the appearance of widespread public support for grabbing gu …uh… enacting “common sense gun laws.”
You start out here, on the "Your stories" page, then click on the green tab that says “Tell Your Story.” That will take you to the entry form page, where they ask for your name, email address, zip code, a link to a story or photo, your story, and topic (in this case, select “Gun Violence” from the dropdown options. You also need to agree to their Ts &Cs, basically assuring them you have the rights to use what you send them and they can use it and don’t have to compensate you for it
Have fun, I know I did. I checked Iowa and my story hasn't shown up. It may not since I used a gun to save myself from a beating. Of course if some thug had used a gun to rob me, that would be posted immediately. All of the "stories" I have seen so far are from gun haters. Imagine that.