Winston Churchill said
Si Vis Paceum Para Bellum
Sam Adams, more than beer
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen”
― Samuel Adams
― Samuel Adams
Lincoln on power
"We must prevent these things being done, by either congresses or courts — The people — the people — are the rightful masters of both Congresses, and courts — not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it —" Abraham Lincoln
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Walter Mitty’s Second Amendment
Well worth the read. Hopefully, you won’t see yourself described below:
Walter Mitty’s Second Amendment
By Jeff Snyder
By Jeff Snyder
Once upon a time, there was a people who inhabited a majestic land under an all-powerful government. Now this government had the resources to control practically every aspect of human existence; hundreds of thousands of “public servants” could access the most personal details of every citizen’s life because everyone was issued a number at birth with which the government would track him throughout his life. No one could even work in gainful employment without this number.
True, the government left certain domains of individual action largely free, particularly matters concerning speech and sex. These activities posed no real threat to the state. When not used to entertain and divert, the power of speech was used principally to clamor for more or better goods from the state, or for “reforms” to make the state work “better,” thereby entrenching the people’s dependency. And insofar as sex was concerned, well, the people’s behavior in this area also really had no effect on the scope of state power. In fact, the rulers noted that people’s preoccupation with matters of sexual morality — whether premarital, teenage pregnancy, adultery, divorce, homosexuality or general “who’s zooming who” — diverted the people’s attention from the fact that they were, for economic and all other intents and purposes, slaves.
Slaves, though, who labored under the illusion that they were free. The people were a simple lot, politically speaking, and readily mistook the ability to give free reign to their appetites as the essence of “personal freedom.”
In that fruitful land, the state took about 50 percent of everything the people earned through numerous forms of taxation, up from about 25 percent only a generation earlier. However, this boastful people, who believed themselves to be the freest on earth, retained the right to keep and bear arms. Tens of millions of them possessed firearms just in case their government became tyrannical and enslaved them.
In that land, an astronomical number of regulations, filling more than 96,000 pages in the government’s “code of regulations,” were promulgated by persons who were not elected by the people. The regulators often developed close relationships with the businesses they regulated, and work in “agencies” that had the power both to make law — and to enforce it.
The agencies were not established by the government’s constitution, and their existence violated that instrument’s principle of separation of powers. Yet the people retained the right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government, some day, ceased to be a “government of the people.”
In that land, the constitution contemplated that the people would be governed by two separate levels of government — “national” and “local.” Matters that concerned the people most intimately — health, education, welfare, crime, and the environment — were to be left almost exclusively to the local level, so that those who made and enforced the laws lived close to the people who were subject to the laws, and felt their effects.
So that different people who had different ideas about such things would not be subject to a “one size fits all” standard that would apply if the national government dealt with such matters. Competition among different localities for people, who could move freely from one place to another, would act as a reality check on the passage of unnecessary or unwise laws.
But in a time of great crisis called the Great Economic Downturn, the people and their leaders clamored for “national solutions to national problems,” and the constitution was “interpreted” by the Majestic Court to permit the national government to pass laws regulating practically everything that has been reserved for the localities.
Now the people had the pleasure of being governed by not one, but two beneficient governments with two sets of laws regulating the same things. Now the people could be prosecuted by not one, but two governments for the same activities and conduct. Still this fiercely independent people retained the right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government, some day, no longer secured the blessings of liberty to themselves or their posterity.
In that fair land, property owners could be held liable under the nation’s environmental legislation for the cleanup costs associated with toxic chemicals, even if the owners had not caused the problem.
Another set of laws provided for asset forfeiture and permitted government agencies to confiscate property without first establishing guilt.
Yet the people retained the right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government denied them due process by holding them liable for things that were not their fault. (The Majestic Court had long ago determined that “due process” did not prevent government from imposing liability on people who were not at fault. “Due process”, it turned out, meant little more than that a law had been passed in accordance with established procedures. You know, it was actually voted on, passed by a majority and signed by the president. If it met those standards, it didn’t much matter what the law actually did.)
Oh well, the people had little real cause to worry. After all, those laws hardly ever affected anyone that they knew. Certainly not the people who mattered most of all: the country’s favorite celebrities and sports teams, who so occupied the people’s attention. And how bad could it be if it had not yet been the subject of a Movie of the Week, telling them what to think and how to feel about it?
In that wide open land, the police often established roadblocks to check that the people’s papers were in order. The police — armed agents of the rulers — used these occasions to ask the occupants whether they were carrying weapons or drugs. Sometimes the police would ask to search the vehicles, and the occupants — not knowing whether they could say no and wanting to prove that they were good guys by cooperating — would permit it.
The Majestic Court had pronounced these roadblocks and searches lawful on the novel theory, unkown to the country’s Founding Forebears, that so long as the police were doing this to everyone equally, it didn’t violate anyone’s rights in particular.
The roadblocks sometimes caused annoying delays, but these lovers of the open road took it in stride. After all, they retained their right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government, some day, engaged in unreasonable searches and seizures. In that bustling land, the choice of how to develop property was heavily regulated by local governments that often demanded fees or concessions for the privilege. That is, when the development was not prohibited outright by national “moistland” regulations that had no foundation in statutory or constitutional law.
Even home owners often required permission to simply build an addition to their homes, or to erect a tool shed on their so-called private property. And so it seemed that “private property” became, not a system protecting individual liberty, but a system which, while providing the illusion of ownership, actually just allocated and assigned government-mandated burdens and responsibilities.
Still, this mightily productive people believed themselves to live in the most capitalistic society on earth, a society dedicated to the protection of private property. And so they retained the right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government ever sought to deprive them of their property without just compensation.
Besides, the people had little cause for alarm. Far from worrying about government control of their property, the more immediate problem was: what to buy next?
The people were a simple lot, politically speaking, and readily mistook the ability to acquire and endless assortment of consumer goods as the essence of personal freedom.
The enlightened rulers of this great land did not seek to deprive the people of their right to bear arms. Unlike tyrants of the past, they had learned that it was not necessary to disarm the masses. The people proved time and time again thaty they were willing accomplices to the ever expanding authority of the government, enslaved by their own desire for safety, security and welfare.
The people could have their guns. What did the rulers care? They already possessed the complete obedience that they required.
In fact, in their more Machiavellian moments, the rulers could be heard to admit that permitting the people the right to keep and bear arms was a marvelous tool of social control, for it provided the people with the illusion of freedom.
The people, among the most highly regulated on earth, told themselves that they were free because they retained the means of revolt. Just in case things ever got really bad. No one, however, seemed to have too clear an idea what “really bad” really meant. The people accepted the fact that their government no longer even remotely resembled the plan set forth in their original constitution. And the people’s values no longer remotely resembled those of their Founding Forebears. The people, in their naiveté, really believed that the means of revolt were to be found in a piece of inanimate metal! Really it was laughable. And pathetic.
No, the rulers knew that the people could safely be trusted with arms. The government educated their children, provided for their retirement in old age, bequeathed assistance if they lost their jobs, mandated that they receive health care, and even doled out food and shelter if they were poor.
The government was the very air the people breathed from childhood to the grave. Few could imagine, let alone desire, any other kind of world.
To the extent that the people paid any attention to their system of government, the great mass spent their days simply clamoring for more or better “programs”, more “rational” regulations, in short, more of the same. The only thing that really upset them was waste, fraud, or abuse of the existing programs. Such shenanigans brought forth vehement protests demanding that the government provide their services more efficiently, dammit! The nation’s stirring national anthem, adopted long ago by men who fought for their liberty, ended by posng a question, in hopes of keeping the spirit of liberty alive. Did the flag still fly, it asked, over the land of the free?
Unfortunately, few considered that the answer to that question might really be no, for they had long since lost an understanding of what freedom really is.
No, in this land “freedom” had become something dark, frightening, and dangerous. The people lived in mortal terror that somewhere, sometime, some individual might make a decision or embark upon a course of action that was not first approved by some government official.
Security was far more preferable. How could anyone be truly free if he were not first safe and protected?
Now we must say goodbye to this fair country whose government toiled tirelessly to create the safety, fairness and luxury that all demanded, and that everyone knew could be created by passing just the right laws. Through it all, the people vigorously safeguarded their tradition of firearms ownership.
But they never knew — and never learned — that preserving a tradition and a way of life is not the same as preserving liberty. And they never knew — and never learned — that it’s not about guns.
Thanks To WRSA
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Christmas Greetings
To all of our family and friends. a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year.
Enjoy a couple of Christmas tunes.
Enjoy a couple of Christmas tunes.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
AmericanMercenary: When you don't have the truth on your side, lie, or simply make shit up.
AmericanMercenary: When you don't have the truth on your side, lie, or simply make shit up.
Well, it is the Daily Kos after all. I tried to read the comments and had to stop after a little while. All that liberal bullshit in one place gives me a headache. It's worse than HuffPo.
Well, it is the Daily Kos after all. I tried to read the comments and had to stop after a little while. All that liberal bullshit in one place gives me a headache. It's worse than HuffPo.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Keep Your Guns and Buy More
Keep Your Guns and Buy More
From someone who was there. The naysayers keep saying it can't happen here. They said the same thing then and a lot of them ended up in boxcars.
Thanks to David C.
From someone who was there. The naysayers keep saying it can't happen here. They said the same thing then and a lot of them ended up in boxcars.
Thanks to David C.
Congress, in their infinite wisdom, decided to screw all of the veterans and fund the ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS. Be sure to contact your congress critters and thank them for their support of the people that keep us free and safe.
Remember our veterans not only on Memorial day and Veterans day, but every day.
I found this Here. Go by and say hi to a old Mustang.
What is a veteran?
He is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia sweating two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carriers didn’t run out of fuel.
He is the barroom loudmouth, dumber than five wooden planks, whose overgrown frat-boy behavior is out weighed a hundred times in the cosmic scales by four hours of exquisite bravery near the 38th parallel.
She – or he – is the nurse who fought against futility and went to sleep sobbing every night for two solid years in Da Nang.
He is the POW who went away one person and came back another – or didn’t come back AT ALL.
He is the Marine Corps drill instructor who has never seen combat – but has saved countless lives by turning slouchy, no-account rednecks and gang members into Marines, and teaching them to watch each other’s backs.
He is the parade-riding Legionnaire who pins on his ribbons and medals with a prosthetic hand.
He is the career quartermaster who watches the ribbons and medals pass him by.
He is your next-door neighbor, who endured fierce door-to-door fighting in Fallujah only to see his best friend blown up by a terrorist carbomb while returning from patrol.
He is the three anonymous heroes in The Tomb Of the Unknowns, whose presence at the Arlington National Cemetery must forever preserve the memory of all the anonymous heroes whose valor dies unrecognized with them on the battlefield or in the ocean’s sunless deep.
He is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket – palsied now and aggravatingly slow – who helped liberate a Nazi death camp and who wishes all day long that his wife were still alive to hold him when the nightmares come.
He is an ordinary and yet an extraordinary human being – a person who offered some of his life’s most vital years in the service of his country, and who sacrificed his ambitions so others would not have to sacrifice theirs.
He is a soldier and savior and sword against the darkness, and he is nothing more that the finest, greatest testimony on behalf of the finest, greatest nation ever known.
So remember, each time you see someone who has served our country, just lean over and say Thank You. That’s all most people need, and in most cases it will mean more than any medals they could have been awarded or were awarded.
Two little words that mean a lot, “THANK YOU”.
Remember Veterans Day, Memorial Day, EVERY Day…
“It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protester to burn the flag.”
It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protester to burn the flag.”
Father Denis Edward O’Brien, USMC
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Liberty's Torch: Putting It All Together
Liberty's Torch: Putting It All Together: Many are the mornings on which I awaken, grope my way toward rationality, and find myself wondering if I'll manage to find anything to w...
A excellent read on what's wrong.
A excellent read on what's wrong.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
All of a sudden, the left-wing media doesn’t think the political views of a crazed gunman are worth discussing. Under the media rules of engagement set forth after the Tucson shooting in 2011, we should be having a huge national conversation about the Left-Wing Climate of Hate right now, and asking how the bitter personal attacks favored by leftists – who are currently fond of asserting that anyone who disagrees with President Barack Obama is a subhuman racist monster – drove student Crazy psycho killer*, 18, of Colorado to attack the Arapahoe High School, critically injuring a fellow student before killing himself. Every American should be asking how redacted’s devotion to socialism and communism led him to violence. MSNBC hosts should be flogging themselves live on the air for their role in creating the Climate of Hate that led to this outburst of youthful violence, citing their own words from 2011 to explain why they must be held to account.
RTWT It explains a lot of why we are hearing very little about this shooting. There is nothing here for the gun haters to use. The killer purchased his shotgun legally, he didn't use one of those "evil assault weapons" and he was a avowed socialist. They wanted so bad for him to be a TEA party member or some other RWNJ type.
The rampage might have resulted in many more casualties had it not been for the quick response of a deputy sheriff who was working as a school resource officer at the school, [Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson] Robinson said.After Newtown, Wayne La Pierre was vilified by all the gun haters because of his statement about good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns. Yet here, we have a rampage that only lasted 80 seconds because a man with a gun responded. Now what are the gun haters going to do.
Once he learned of the threat, he ran — accompanied by an unarmed school security officer and two administrators — from the cafeteria to the library, Robinson said. “It’s a fairly long hallway, but the deputy sheriff got there very quickly.”
The deputy was yelling for people to get down and identified himself as a county deputy sheriff, Robinson said. “We know for a fact that the shooter knew that the deputy was in the immediate area and, while the deputy was containing the shooter, the shooter took his own life.”
He praised the deputy’s response as “a critical element to the shooter’s decision” to kill himself, and lauded his response to hearing gunshots. “He went to the thunder,” he said. “He heard the noise of gunshot and, when many would run away from it, he ran toward it to make other people safe.”
Prayers for Claire Davis, the 17-year-old student redacted* shot at point-blank range, and who remains stable but comatose at the time of this writing. She’s fighting for her life; her father told CNN that “doctors are worried about swelling to her brain.” A Twitter hashtag, #prayforclaire, has been established to gather best wishes for her recovery.
* I do not publish the names of these psycho killers. The MSM gives them enough of what they are looking for.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Bill of Rights Day
December 15th, 1791 - In the U.S., the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, went into effect following ratification by the state of Virginia. 222 years and there are still people in this country trying to destroy what our fore fathers worked and died for.

Yesterday we saw the anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy. A drugged out whack job* murdered 20 children and six teachers. But one name forgotten that was murdered on December 14th 2010 is Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Murdered by drug smugglers with weapons provided to them by the United States Department of Justice. Three years and no one that was in charge of this "operation" has answered for any crime.
* At no time do I use the name of phyco killers. The MSM gives them enough glory.

Yesterday we saw the anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy. A drugged out whack job* murdered 20 children and six teachers. But one name forgotten that was murdered on December 14th 2010 is Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Murdered by drug smugglers with weapons provided to them by the United States Department of Justice. Three years and no one that was in charge of this "operation" has answered for any crime.
* At no time do I use the name of phyco killers. The MSM gives them enough glory.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
MuskegonPundit: A clear war on our national celebration by zealots of the Fundamentalist Atheist Religion-------9-Year-Old Suspended For Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ To Teacher
MuskegonPundit: A clear war on our national celebration by zealots of the Fundamentalist Atheist Religion-------9-Year-Old Suspended For Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ To Teacher
Punishing a 9 year old because you hate God is more than wrong.
Punishing a 9 year old because you hate God is more than wrong.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
My Daily Kona: "Common Sense Gun Control laws" According to a Li...
My Daily Kona: "Common Sense Gun Control laws" According to a Li...: I figured I would continue my "Hitler and 2nd amendment stuff" again as I seemed to be on a roll with it. A few days ago the...
More on the LTC Bateman article.
More on the LTC Bateman article.
My Daily Kona: "Common Sense Gun Control laws" According to a Li...
My Daily Kona: "Common Sense Gun Control laws" According to a Li...: I figured I would continue my "Hitler and 2nd amendment stuff" again as I seemed to be on a roll with it. A few days ago the...
More on the LTC Bateman article.
More on the LTC Bateman article.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
LTC Bob Bateman: Less Manly Than a Little Girl
Micheal Z. Williamson has a great answer for the stupidity that is the LTC that wants to disarm us.
He's a REMF (look it up)*. And read the whole thing. This asshat along with sumdude names Pierce is supposedly running for president. Well, they should get at least 2 votes.
*Leave me a message and I'll tell you what it is.
FA 59 officers execute key institutional and operational core processes, including formulation and implementation of strategy and strategic concepts and policies, and the generation, strategic projection, and operational employment of decisive joint and coalition land combat power.”1
In addition to the common leader competencies discussed in the chief of staff of the army’s “Pentathlete Vision,” FA 59 officers perform four unique functions: strategic appraisal; strategic and operational planning; joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational (JIIM) integration; and strategic education.
He's a buzzword generator, and real warriors pay little attention to that bullshit. It's makework created by the lefticle desire to make war decent and kind and hearts and minds and such. Real warrior want beans, bullets, bandaids and batteries for the purpose of breaking people and killing things. Or vice versa.
"Managing violence" my ass.
He's a REMF (look it up)*. And read the whole thing. This asshat along with sumdude names Pierce is supposedly running for president. Well, they should get at least 2 votes.
*Leave me a message and I'll tell you what it is.
Alert TSA agent saves the day
This is beyond incredible.

"Rooster Monkburn" the cowboy sock monkey is without his pistol, thanks to a diligent TSA agent in St. Louis.
Phyllis May of Redmond, Wash. says she is “appalled and shocked and embarrassed all at the same time” about the incident that happened on Dec. 3.
May has a small business selling unique sock monkey dolls. She says she and her husband were on their way from St. Louis to Sea-Tac and she had a couple of monkeys and sewing supplies with her in a carry-on bag.
“His pistol was in there,” she says of the sock monkey “Rooster Monkburn,” a take-off on John Wayne character “Rooster Cogburn” from the film “True Grit.”
May and her husband were going through the screening process when she noticed that one of her bags was missing.
“And the (TSA agent) held it up and said ‘whose is this?’” she said. “I realized oh, my God this is my bag.”
May said the TSA agent went through the bag, through the sewing supplies and found the two-inch long pistol.
“She said ‘this is a gun,’” said May. “I said no, it’s not a gun it’s a prop for my monkey.”
“She said ‘If I held it up to your neck, you wouldn't know if it was real or not,’ and I said ‘really?’” said May.
It's good to know that we are well protected from a toy gun. What ever happened to common sense? Why have we turned airport security over to a bunch of people that aren't qualified to work at Wal-Mart? This is why I have no reason to fly.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
AmericanMercenary: LTC Bateman
AmericanMercenary: LTC Bateman
Be sure to read Bateman's article.
This guy is a traitor and a douche-bag. I'd like to talk to him about that whole "cold dead hands" thing.
Be sure to read Bateman's article.
This guy is a traitor and a douche-bag. I'd like to talk to him about that whole "cold dead hands" thing.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Day of Infamy

Remember the Sailors, Soldiers and Marines that gave all they had.
The Chaplain wore no helmet
His head was bowed in prayer
His face was seamed with sorrow
But a trace of hope was there.
Our ranks were hushed and silent
And diminished by our loss
At our feet, the the rows of crosses
Told how much the battle cost.
Rows of neat white crosses
And Stars of David too
Marked the grave sites of our brothers
Whose fighting days were through.
Friends of mine were lying there
Ski and Ace and Slim
Bo and Jack, Bill and Joe
Dusty, Tex and Jim.
Each has his simple marker
But the closest one to me
Was a plain white, wooden headboard
Marked "Unknown USMC."
In this final camp of comrades
It was somehow strange and odd
That a man should lie among them
Known only to his God.
Who can he be, I wondered?
Was he white or black or red?
This man who shares a resting place
With our loved and honored dead.
He cannot be a stranger
But a friend whose lonely track
Has brought him here among us
I think I'll call him "Mac."
"Mac" is a name we've often used
and it's been used on me
It's better than the epitaph
"Unknown USMC."
So many times I've heard it
In the blackness of the night
Through the swirling mist of combat
With the battle at it's height.
"Hey Mac", a voice would call
We could use some help out here
I've got a man that's wounded
Can you help him to the rear?
"Hey Mac" I'm really burning up
The suns so blazing hot -
Can you spare a drop of water?
"Gee, thanks Mac, thanks a lot."
The day when I was wounded
Hurt and lying in the snow
A cigarette was offered me
By a man I didn't know.
He quickly stopped the bleeding
And rolled me on my back
Grinned and gripped his rifle
And said "Take it easy Mac."
A simple word, a simple name
But still it proves to me
That no man ever really is
"Unknown USMC."
The Chaplain's prayer is finished
Our colors gently dip
The rifle squad is ready
The bugler wets his lip.
With blurry eyes and saddened heart
I heard the rifles crack
Taps floated softly in the air
And I said goodbye to "Mac."
Author Unknown
Family Tradition
Robert A. Fowler USN 1941-1945 WWII
Johnnie W. Fowler USN 1941-1945 WWII
Ralph Weeks USMC 1942-1945 WWII
Robert A Fowler Jr. USMC 1973-1977 Vietnam
Jonathan Robbins USA 1998-2011 Desert Storm
Mathew B. Strunk USMC 2005-2009 2013- Iraq
Brian A. Lundy USMC 2011-2013 Afganistan
Friday, December 6, 2013
This is what Bloomberg and his criminal organization is up to. The more people that they can declare mentally ill, the more people that will be prohibited from owning guns.
Jeff Knox warns of strategy to put restrictions in 'emergency' bills on mental health
Jeff Knox warns of strategy to put restrictions in 'emergency' bills on mental health
Philip Van Cleave, the president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, was at the meeting and reported that Northam was very candid about the plan and the sneak attack strategies for bypassing committees and public comment, and preventing rights groups from being able to mount opposition until it’s too late. He particularly lauded the Connecticut and New York models where both states used “emergency” legislation to pass draconian bills with no hearings, no committee votes and no public input. He also discussed strategies to gain support from rights leaders by quietly negotiating deals to keep a bill “clean” and leave out overt anti-rights provisions, while concealing the provisions that seriously threaten rights.
Rights advocates are going to have to be extremely diligent to catch the threats that are on the way. One advantage we have is the arrogance of our opponents. Just as Northam arrogantly described the sneaky plan – without anyone in the “legitimate” media taking note of the proposed chicanery – expect Mike Bloomberg to make his support for the bad bills rather obvious. An easy way to tell if any legislation is bad – or at least that it deserves extra scrutiny – will be support from Bloomberg and his various front organizations.
Liberty is a never-ending struggle. Be prepared to respond to these bills, and take action now to warn your elected representatives about the coming sneak
Find your reps and Senators and email, snail mail and call. Don't lose your rights to Blommy's millions.
Read it all
Thanks to David C.
Read it all
Thanks to David C.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Josie the Outlaw
On being a outlaw.
Why good people should be armed
A lot of good information and ideas. Her we site is here
Be sure to share with all of your friends.
When resistance becomes duty,
Why good people should be armed
A lot of good information and ideas. Her we site is here
Be sure to share with all of your friends.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
The Old man
One sunny day in January, 2017, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue where he’d been sitting on a park bench.He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, “I would like to go in and meet with President Obama.”The Marine looked at the man and said, “Sir, Mr. Obama is no longer President and no longer resides here.”The old man said, “Okay,” and walked away.The following day the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, “I would like to go in and meet with President Obama.”The Marine again told the man, “Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Obama is no longer President and no longer resides here.”The man thanked him and again just walked away. The third day the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U.S. Marine, saying, “I would like to go in and meet with President Obama.” The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, “Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Obama. I’ve told you already that Mr. Obama is no longer the President and no longer resides here. Don’t you understand?”The old man looked at the Marine and said,“Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it.” The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, “See you tomorrow, Sir!”
Too bad it wasn't 2013
Thanks to Madd Medic
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Legalized Theft of Guns

Arizona - -( An anti-freedom policy has been spreading across United States police departments, the legalized theft of citizens guns.
Recently, it occurred in Georgia. I am not talking about forfeiture laws. They are related but have been covered elsewhere.
This is a problem in many urban areas, and it is spreading. The policy is to impound guns, in extreme cases, all guns that officers come across, whether involved in any crime or not, then to refuse to return the guns until a judge issues an order to return them. As the attorney fees needed to obtain a court order can easily be 10 times what the gun is worth, most people do not bother.
It is a form of legalized theft.
I first learned of this policy from students who were or who had lived in California. I had numerous students who had dealings with the LAPD. I started hearing stories about how guns were seized, even if there were no crime involved. If an officer came across a gun, it was seized, and it would not be returned until the LAPD received a court order demanding that it be returned. As hiring a lawyer to obtain a court order could easily cost thousands of dollars, very few people even tried. I also heard that some judges, who had a personal animus toward firearms ownership, simply refused to grant an order.
I first learned of this policy from students who were or who had lived in California. I had numerous students who had dealings with the LAPD. I started hearing stories about how guns were seized, even if there were no crime involved. If an officer came across a gun, it was seized, and it would not be returned until the LAPD received a court order demanding that it be returned. As hiring a lawyer to obtain a court order could easily cost thousands of dollars, very few people even tried. I also heard that some judges, who had a personal animus toward firearms ownership, simply refused to grant an order.
Here is a case related by a student: The student was stopped for a routine traffic stop. While stopped, the officer asked him if he had any guns in the vehicle. The student replied that he had rifles locked in the tool box that was attached to the bed of the pick up truck. The officer demanded that the student open the tool box, which he did. The officer then confiscated the rifles. The student was never charged with a crime, but the police refused to return the rifles unless they received a court order ordering them to do so.
This reverses the presumption of innocence and the presumption of ownership that goes with possession of an item.
In 2005, a California law was passed requiring people who had firearms impounded by police to fill out forms sent to the State government, and be certified as being eligible to legally own a firearm by letter, before the firearm can be returned.
Even with this state imposed certification, many departments are still requiring a court order before they will return lawfully owned property. SAF and Calguns settled a lawsuit against Oakland and San Francisco for refusing to return firearms.
- Cleveland recently settled a case where they refused to return a firearm to the lawful owner.
- In Arizona, a reform was passed to require issuance of a receipt in firearm seizures.
- In Wisconsin there have been a number of settlements where guns have been returned, often with a cash settlement to cover lawyers fees, although these were primarily for illegal arrests involving firearms carry.
I have been told that police are reluctant to return guns because they fear liability if the firearm is subsequently used in a crime. While this is an extremely rare occurrence, it is easy to see how police might use this excuse to fail to take appropriate action.
One remedy is to educate the police as to their liability if they *fail* to return property to its legal owner. The lawsuits mentioned above are useful for that purpose. Often, a letter from an attorney, threatening legal action, can spark a desired response. Once, I was able to obtain the return of a firearm simply by showing up at the crime lab and asking about its disposition. I was asked if I was a lawyer. I noncommittally said that I had studied the law. I was immediately told that the firearm would be returned (and it was). Another solution is public awareness. Policies can be changed more easily than legislation. Public pressure and lawsuit settlements can result in a change of polices.
If your firearm is seized or impounded, insist on a receipt, then follow up with documented requests for the return of the firearm. Inform activists groups of the situation. This may lead to pro-bono legal action or necessary funding for the same.
I have encountered officers who think that impounding firearms and making their return difficult somehow “gets guns off the streets” and makes crime less likely. The passage of laws that mandate the return of firearms to legal owners and the sale, rather than destruction, of “found” firearms helps to short circuit that assumption. It reinforces the fact that firearms possession is a constitutionally protected right.
This is primarily a problem of police policy and attitudes. Most court actions result in the firearm being returned. The difficulty is that the owner should never have been forced to go through the legal process to have his property returned in the first place, or the firearm should never have been impounded to begin with. The conversion of police thinking about firearms from “contraband” to “constitutionally protected property” is what is needed to stop this form of legalized theft.
©2013 by Dean Weingarten
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
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Monday, November 25, 2013
A three step cure for the “knockout game”
From The Matt Walsh blog

Read it all and then give this some thought. Get your nose out of that cell phone, kindle, Ipad or whatever else is occupying you and have some situational awareness. If you pay attention, no one can sneak up on you. Look around and don't be a sheep. Sheep get sheared. Years ago, I was left unconscious on the side off the road. Once was enough.
Thanks to Miguel
I’m sure you’ve heard of the “Knockout Game” that appears to be sweeping the nation. If you’re unfamiliar, here’s how it works:
The participants of this pastime randomly select an innocent stranger, sneak up behind them, and attempt to knock them out with one punch.
That’s it. That’s the “game.” In some corners of the Earth, this activity is also known as “attempted murder.” Here, for some teenagers, it’s a hobby, like collecting baseball cards.
1. Prison.
In the old days, they used to banish prisoners to deserts and island colonies. They permanently removed the criminals from society. We can’t employ the same strategy anymore — I don’t think Australia would appreciate it — but we can keep in mind the fact that prisons are designed to protect our loved ones from predators.
2. Work.
Boredom is a new epidemic. So is teenagedom. In the past, nobody had time to be either of these things. People worked. Work can cure a teenager of his boredom, and his teenage-ness. It boggles my mind that any “kid” is able to reach the ripe old age of 17 having never worked a day in his/her life. My parents wouldn’t have allowed such a thing.3. Guns.
They say you can’t solve a problem by “adding more guns” to the situation. That’s true, which is why Obama’s foreign policy has been such an abysmal failure. But I, much like any other Second Amendment advocate, do not suggest simply throwing a pile of guns at the problem. I suggest you consider adding one gun to a holster, and then adding that holster to your hip. At a certain point we — the pool of potential victims — must refuse to fulfill that destiny. Forget the prisons, the schools, family dynamics, the cultural ills; when a predator picks you out of the crowd, none of that matters. It’s too late for the system, or parents, or the government to help you. In that moment, you’ve either got the tools to defend yourself, or you don’t. These cowards hedge their bets and put all their coins on you being unarmed. It’s a glorious occasion every time they lose that gamble.

Read it all and then give this some thought. Get your nose out of that cell phone, kindle, Ipad or whatever else is occupying you and have some situational awareness. If you pay attention, no one can sneak up on you. Look around and don't be a sheep. Sheep get sheared. Years ago, I was left unconscious on the side off the road. Once was enough.
Thanks to Miguel
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Kennedy Mystery Solved.
Mystery solved.

If it wasn't for that "evil" NRA, Kennedy would not have been assassinated.

If it wasn't for that "evil" NRA, Kennedy would not have been assassinated.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
The Hammer of Reality
Wise words. Welcome to the wonderful world of Obamacare
A solution? It can't be any worse than what we have now.
Thanks to Kevin.
A solution? It can't be any worse than what we have now.
Thanks to Kevin.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Borepatch: Brothers in Arms
Borepatch: Brothers in Arms
I know this is a day late. But then, every day should be veterans day. This is a great treatment for a great song.
I know this is a day late. But then, every day should be veterans day. This is a great treatment for a great song.
90 Miles From Tyranny : New Parasite Discovered!
90 Miles From Tyranny : New Parasite Discovered!: Check This: Obama has a Parasitic Lesbian Worm named after him!
I laughed till my ribs hurt.
I laughed till my ribs hurt.
Monday, November 11, 2013
What made the Nazi Holocaust possible? Gun control
This week marks the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night of the Broken Glass, the Nazi pogrom against Germany’s Jews on Nov. 9-10, 1938. Historians have documented most everything about it except what made it so easy to attack the defenseless Jews without fear of resistance. Their guns were registered and thus easily confiscated.
Read more: here
Read it and understand it. It's never been about guns. It's always been about control. The millions that Hitler slaughtered are a testament to gun control. Least we forget the million more that fell victim to Lenin, Stalin and Mao.
Veterans day
The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The official end of the war to end all wars. Or so we thought. Just shy of 20 years later, a madman taught us what true evil could do.
Since 1775, men and women have held up their right hand and took a oath to defend this country. All of them gave something, some of them gave more and some gave all they had. Think of our veterans not only today, but every day. Those that have gone before and those that are serving now. A little prayer never hurts.

Robert A. Fowler USN 1941-1945
Johnnie W. Fowler USN 1941-1945
Ralph Weeks USMC 1942-1945
Robert A Fowler Jr. USMC 1973-1977
Jonathan Robbins USA 1998-2011
Mathew B. Strunk USMC 2005-2009 and 2013-?
Brian A. Lundy USMC 2011-2013
Since 1775, men and women have held up their right hand and took a oath to defend this country. All of them gave something, some of them gave more and some gave all they had. Think of our veterans not only today, but every day. Those that have gone before and those that are serving now. A little prayer never hurts.

Robert A. Fowler USN 1941-1945
Johnnie W. Fowler USN 1941-1945
Ralph Weeks USMC 1942-1945
Robert A Fowler Jr. USMC 1973-1977
Jonathan Robbins USA 1998-2011
Mathew B. Strunk USMC 2005-2009 and 2013-?
Brian A. Lundy USMC 2011-2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Castigo Cay, free kindle book
Matt Bracken's book will be free starting tomorrow.

Collect them all. They are all great books that I have read more than once.

Collect them all. They are all great books that I have read more than once.
90 Miles From Tyranny : Kissing Sailor - Found at Last
90 Miles From Tyranny : Kissing Sailor - Found at Last: Glenn Edward McDuffie knows why the sailor kissing a white-clad nurse in that famous photo has his wrist bent back in an awkward positi...
Pretty interesting story.
Pretty interesting story.
Happy Birthday USMC
238 years ago, in Tun tavern, the first Marines signed up. Happy birthday Marines. There's just something special about a branch of the Military that started in a bar.
Two other birthdays are today. My wonderful daughter and my equally wonderful youngest grandson Bradley. Happy birthday

4 generations of Marines.
Ralph Weeks USMC 1942-1945
Robert A Fowler Jr. USMC 1973-1977
Mathew B. Strunk USMC 2005-2009 and 2013 till ?
Brian A. Lundy USMC 2011-2013
Semper Fi
Two other birthdays are today. My wonderful daughter and my equally wonderful youngest grandson Bradley. Happy birthday

4 generations of Marines.
Ralph Weeks USMC 1942-1945
Robert A Fowler Jr. USMC 1973-1977
Mathew B. Strunk USMC 2005-2009 and 2013 till ?
Brian A. Lundy USMC 2011-2013
Semper Fi
Friday, November 8, 2013
I can't say this
Watch it closely and pay attention to the end where there is a short pause, then 4 words. Listen for those words! It could not be put more bluntly! Be prepared!!
I couldn't say something like that. He sure tells it like it is.
H/T to Chuck's Blog
I couldn't say something like that. He sure tells it like it is.
H/T to Chuck's Blog
I laughed so I'm a Racist
I ran across this article this morning and discovered that I am a racist. If you watched the video of Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood poking fun at obamascare and laughed, you are a racist too.
The liberals went nuts on twitter after the show calling anyone that likes country music a racist. Who knew?
Remember, if you laugh, you're a racist.
These days, unfortunately, it takes far less than that to be called a racist.
Disagree with Obama and one is likely to be branded a racist by the knee-jerk left who often react like Pavlov's dogs.
The liberals went nuts on twitter after the show calling anyone that likes country music a racist. Who knew?
Remember, if you laugh, you're a racist.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
While visiting one of my regular stops I ran across this video.
I've never been a big country music fan, some of it I like, some not as much. I have however always liked George Strait. So I went and found this video. this started the fall down the rabbit hole.
I've done the Amarillo by morning thing many times. Except that the horse was 400 HP and weighed 80,000 pounds. The last one was a Kenworth W900. I spent over half of my working life going down road after road. And that reminded me of this song. Falling even farther.
Thanks to Madd Medic for costing me a hour. It was fun though.
I've never been a big country music fan, some of it I like, some not as much. I have however always liked George Strait. So I went and found this video. this started the fall down the rabbit hole.
I've done the Amarillo by morning thing many times. Except that the horse was 400 HP and weighed 80,000 pounds. The last one was a Kenworth W900. I spent over half of my working life going down road after road. And that reminded me of this song. Falling even farther.
Thanks to Madd Medic for costing me a hour. It was fun though.
The Vulgar Curmudgeon: Really Joe?
The Vulgar Curmudgeon: Really Joe?: He's right in a sense. The average American seems to only care about their Constitutionally protected rights when they are being viol...
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Innocent man given forcible 14-hour anal cavity search, X-rays, colonoscopy after rolling through a stop sign
Rape is: “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”
DEMING, NM — A man has filed a lawsuit stating that a traffic stop led to a series of forced medical procedures when a police officer thought he was clenching his butt cheeks. His lawsuit says that without his consent, he was taken to a medical facility and where he was forcibly X-rayed multiple times, sedated, given several enemas, required to give multiple stool samples, subjected to fingers penetrating his anus during multiple cavity searches, followed by an actual colonoscopy where cameras probed his intestines for drugs. The startling 14-hour ordeal failed to find any contraband inside his body.
Read it all. 14 hours and violated in numerous ways because some cop "thought" he was clenching his butt cheeks? The one question I keep coming back too is why would any judge sign a search warrant with "clenched butt cheeks" as probable cause. The war on drugs is a massive failure and things like this prove that some will do anything to make an arrest. Not to mention any "civil forfeiture" that could mean money for the local PD. We are becoming a police state and the sheep don't even care. Yet.
Thanks to Madd Medic
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
AmericanMercenary: "Gun Guys: A Road Trip" book review
AmericanMercenary: "Gun Guys: A Road Trip" book review
A good review and some insight into what the gun haters think of us.
A good review and some insight into what the gun haters think of us.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Alexander Solzhenitsyn And The Collectivist Killer Archetype
Read the words attributed last year to perhaps the most important and influential person in President Obama’s life. She’s been a mentor to Obama and his wife for years. No decision is made by Obama without it first being approved by Valerie Jarrett…
“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.”
- Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Barack Hussein Obama
The above words come from a woman who is most likely “the power behind the throne” in the Obama administration. Obama makes no move without her approval. She’s a committed communist and a very intelligent, angry and vindictive woman.
You need to understand what is in store for you if you are an American who believes in our Founding Father’s Constitution, gun rights, individual liberties and freedom… and if America is totally lost to the control of people like Jarrett who will push to disarm us violently if necessary.
For those who haven’t read Matt Bracken’s essay and watched the video:
It's a bit long, but read it all. Particularly the part about the killer of Katyn
If you’re going to go out, make your actions count. Fighting and bleeding out is better than standing handcuffed at the back of a truck, in a line at the buses or at the boxcars waiting to be loaded and taken to your fate.
Never surrender your firearms… never go quietly…
Matt Braken's Anthology is now available free for Kindle at Amazon. Get it here.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Gun owners urged to defy Obamacare as Democrat voter sign-up dangers emerge
Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea has a excellent article on the true purpose of Obamacare.
“Obamacare, as drafted, purported to protect some, but not all, of our Second Amendment rights,” GOA counters. “Yet Obama pretty much showed his hands with Executive Action 16, where he encouraged doctors to ask kids and their parents about guns and enter that information into a federally run database.”
And there are other dangers, the group claims, which it characterizes as “intentional.”
“Obamacare will take the gun ban that has disarmed more than 150,000 military veterans and expand it to potentially cover millions and millions of additional Americans,” GOA charges.
“Are you ready to have a government bureaucrat decide if you may own a gun or not, with no day in court?” GOA asks. “Once doctors start entering your personal information into the medical database, there will be nothing to stop the FBI from using your medical information to deny you the right to purchase a firearm.
Read it and then read the report.
Have you written your Congress Critters? Why not?
Find then at the links and let them know how you feel.
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11/03 - 11/10
- I can't say this
- I laughed so I'm a Racist
- Falling
- The Vulgar Curmudgeon: Really Joe?
- Innocent man given forcible 14-hour anal cavity se...
- Welcome to the United Police States of America, Wh...
- George Carlin on language
- AmericanMercenary: "Gun Guys: A Road Trip" book re...
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn And The Collectivist Killer...
- Gun owners urged to defy Obamacare as Democrat vot...
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