So, since I'm not particularly concerned about the National Rifle Association ruining my political career, I'll be the one to say it: If you own multiple guns or feel the need to possess a military-style assault weapon, it's because you have a small penis.
Get that gun owners. It doesn't matter if you are male or female, if you own one of those "scary assault weapon" you have a small pee pee.
Freud call the fear of weapons a sign of retarded sexual maturity. Hmmm, Freud got the retarded part right.
Now, I know a lot of you are probably saying to yourselves, “But Todd, plenty of women also own guns. What about them? Do they have small penises, too?”
My answer to that question would be: yes. Yes they do. Women who own assault weapons have tiny penises, just like their male counterparts. That would explain why they're angry enough to buy a weapon whose sole purpose is to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.
Wow, We have facts and figures that show the truth, and they have penis jokes.
Massad Ayoob made a comment about big gun-small penis that made me laugh: "If it were true, no man would ever admit to own a snub nose revolver."
So, Todd, since you're a big gun control fanatic and like gunz r penises jokes, does this mean that you secretly yearn for a vagina?
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