Quick, call the CDC. We've got a Rocky Mountain outbreak of Acute Sore Loser Fever. After failing to stave off two historic recall bids on Tuesday, two delusional state legislators and their national party bosses just can't help but double-down and trash voters as dumb, sick, criminal and profligateYeah, because people that vote against them can't be informed.
." Giron whined to CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin that voters "weren't able to get to the polls" and that there was "voter confusion."
Keep believing that.
"Voter confusion"? My goodness. You'd think there were no public libraries, local television stations, talk radio, newspapers, blogs, Facebook, Twitter or government websites to get information about the elections. (Oh, and pay no attention to the massive 6-to-1 spending advantage that Giron and her fellow recall target John Morse, formerly the president of the state Senate, enjoyed.)Bloomberg spent 350,000 dollars that he had to declare. I wonder how much more of his money he spent in anonymous donations? Broad spent 250,000. Good return on investment. Ever dollar these asshats lose makes me smile.
Giron lost in her Obama-loving Democratic Senate District 3 by a whopping 12 points. The only significant complaint about voter suppression came after the polls closed -- and not from anyone in the district, but from out-of-state Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wah-wah-wah-sserman Schultz of Florida.Awww, poor Debbie Dipshit-Schultz. They lost so it has to be voter suppresion. It couldn't be anything like their constituents were fed up with their bullshit of not listening to the people that elected them.
The problem for the gun-grabbers wasn't that the voters were uninformed. It was that they were (SET ITAL) too (END ITAL) informed. Voters paid close attention when state Democrats rigged the game during the legislative debate over extreme gun and ammo restrictions that will do nothing to stop the next Aurora, Columbine or Newtown. They watched fellow citizens being blocked from testifying, pushed aside for out-of-staters. They heard Morse accuse gun owners of having a "sickness in their souls." They heard him brag to liberal zealots that he was ignoring their "vile" e-mail.This is what got them thrown out. Guns were a catalyst to be sure. But these politicians need to learn that they ultimately work for the people. The laws are still on the books and it will take time to make that right. But the people of Colorado spoke, even though some aren't listening.
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