Our Grandson has finally moved out. I gathered up material and as soon as he got his stuff out, I converted the bedroom he had been occupying for the last two years into a sewing room. He's not coming back, period. Don't misunderstand, I love my grandson, but at 22 years old, it's time to get the hell out of the nest.
It took us all day Sunday and Monday to get to this point.
I found a shelving system that has a rail that screws to the top plate at the ceiling and the brackets hang down and then you put screws into the studs for extra strength.
Plus a pegboard section for all of her rulers and such. this was my mothers day present to her.
Busy couple of days. Tonight I'm hosting a weapons carry class so tomorrow I get to replace the engine on the rotor tiller. It sat for 3 or 4 years and the gas tank got full of rust. It runs fine until you start to till, then the crud still in the tank breaks loose and kills the motor. Harbor freight sent me a coupon book and they had a 6 1/2 horse engine for 99.00 with a coupon. To replace the gas tank on a 30 year old tiller would cost that much. If I could even find one.
Good for you!
My wife enjoys the whole house with her sewing. What you've done is what I want to do in her "Fabric Room". Yup, you read that right.
Bad example, now all the women will want a room of their own, there goes my reloading room.
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